Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mirror MirrorA Bump Cube covered with real mirrors truncated by hand.
Mirror Mirror 2x2x2A Junior Bump Cube covered with real mirrors truncated by hand.
Mirror OctahedronA face turning octahedron transformed like a bump cube.

Mirror OctaradioThe Mirror Blocks transformed into an octahedron.
Mirror ShiftThe bumped version of the Gear Shift
Mirror Siamese IllusionMixing and gluing pieces of four mass produced Mirror Blocks. The result seems like two pairs of fused cubes.

Mirror WallA bandaged Bump Cube (aka: Mirror Blocks) with extensions.
Mirror i-CubeA Bump Cube with the bandaging pattern of the i-Cube
Mirrored Fisher Corner Pocket CubeA reimplemented fishered and bumped Corner Pocket with two small differences compared with the first model.

Mirrored Spook HouseA series of four Houses assembled from two mass produced unequal cubes.
MirrormorphixA Bump Cube transformed into the shape of a Reuleaux tetrahedron.
Mirrormorphix 2x2x2A Bump 2x2x2 shaped into a tetrahedron.

Misaligned Thomas CubeA Thomas Cube in midtwist (by 120°) and then appropriately restickered.
Missing Edge VoidA Void Cube with one edge removed. It works like a bandaged Void Cube.
Missing Link - MasterA Missing Link with an extra middle layer.

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