Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mirror Cubes 2x2x2A pair of Fused 2x2x2's glued together as if they were mirrored at the conjunction plane.
Mirror Cubes 3x3x3A pair of Fused 3x3x3's glued together as if they were mirrored at the conjunction plane.
Mirror Cubes 4x4x4A pair of Fused 4x4x4's glued together as if they were mirrored at the conjunction plane.

Mirror Cubes 6x6x6A pair of Fused 6x6x6's glued together as if they were mirrored at the conjunction plane
Mirror Curvy CopterA Curvy Copter Plus that was bumped aka moved inside its solid.
Mirror DecoradoA Bump Cube covered with white swarovski crystals.

Mirror DimensionA custom painted 3x3x3 with a very abstract theme.
Mirror Fisher BarrelA Fisher Cylinder combined with a Bump Cube.
Mirror Hexagonal PrismA bumped version of the 3x3x3 hexagonal prism.

Mirror Hollow Horror PillowA 9 cm cube covered with 3D extensions to give it three different solutions.
Mirror Horror Fused CubeA Horror Cube bandaged like a Fused Cube
Mirror House CubeA Bump Cube transformed into the shape of a house.

Mirror Ilusion Inside SiameseThe counterpart of the Mirror Illusion 3x3x3 Siamese, made with their respective inverse subsets.
Mirror Ilusion SofaA mixing of pieces from two different Bump Cubes that give the illusion of a sofa.
Mirror Maze CubeA 3x3x3 with a very innovative maze structure as stickers.

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