Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mini ClockA smaller version of Rubik's Clock with just 4 clocks.
Mini CubillusionThe smaller brother of the Cubillusion.
Mini Ghost cubeThis is a hand made ghost cube, no new challenges, but is pink, tiny, handmade and awesome.

Mini HeartA 3x3x3 transformed into the shape of a knobbed heart.
Mini Master MagicA Master Magic (with 12 tiles) made from several Magics (with 8 tiles) with small edge length.
Mini Master OctahedronAfter the Master Octahedron from the same inventor another 5x5x5 transformed into the shape of an octahedron.

Mini Missing LinkA drastically shortened version of the Missing Link. It has only two instead of four layers.
Mini TartanA quickly made variation of the Tartan 2x2x2 implemented with small dot-like stickers.
Mini Tetrahedron Xmas SeriesA Tetra Pyramid truncated further on two, three or four corners.

Mini Time machine Made from a mass produced 2x2x3 cuboid.
Mini UfoA truncated Ufo which looks less like an Ufo but more like a cylinder.
Mini rumbling prismA 2x2x2 in shape of a rhombic prism.

Mini void 3x9x15 soap barA balloid/ellipsoid in 3 dimensions.
Mini void tetracross 6x18x18 tabletA 6x6x6 truncated into a cylinder, stickered as if it were a 12x18x18.
Minimal Permutations 4x4x4 (3 colours)A 4x4x4 restickered with 3 colours and 32 stickers each to achieve the smallest possible number of permutations.

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