Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

José Ramírez
3x3x3 Ojo ZombieA 3x3x3, fully printed and painted like the eye of a zombie.
3x3x3 Pirámide truncadaA 3x3x3 was transformed into the shape of a quadrangular pyramid but with the tip cut off.
3x3x3 Pyramid MirrorA 3x3x3 with the bump concept in the shape of a square pyramid.

3x3x3 QuaffleA sphere with four dents, inspired by the Quidditch ball from the Harry Potter series. The 3x3x3 variant.
3x3x3 Sand�aA 3x3x3 shaped and hand painted like a watermelon
3x3x3 SkullA 3x3x3 in the shape of a human skull

3x3x3 SliceA 3x3x3 in the shape of a slice
3x3x3 Tiles InversosA 3x3x3 with tiles glued on that are shaped like inverse blind pieces.
3x3x3 X CrossA 3x3x3 twisted inside its solid like an Axis Cube than shape transformed into the shape of a tridimensional cross.

3x3x3 Yo Heart MéxicoA 3x3x3 shaped like a heart with the colours and the logo of the mexican flag.
3x3x5 FisherA 5x5x5 bandaged and transformed into a 3x3x5 cuboid with cuts oriented like a fisher cube.
3x3x5 MirrorA 3x3x5 transformed into a bump variant

3x3x5 PlusA bandaged 5x5x5 somewhere on third away from the 3x5x5.
3x4x4 (cuboidal bandaged 4x4x4)A 4x4x4 that was bandaged and extended that tries to simulate a 3x4x4.
3x5x5 Mirror HorrorA 5x5x5 bandaged into a 3x5x5 and transformed into a horror puzzle.

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