Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

José Ramírez
2x2x3 Logo Cube Lover 520A 2x2x3 with the logo of Cube Lover 520, a fellow collector.
2x2x3 Mirror HorrorA Bump 2x2x3 with horror stickers
2x2x3 Mu�eco de nieveA 2x2x3 transformed into the shape of a snowman

2x3x3 DesfasadoA 2x3x3 half way into the concept of the Ghost Cube
2x3x3 Ghost BarrelA 2x3x3 transformed into a cylinder and implemented as a Ghost puzzle.
2x3x3 Mirror HorrorA bumped 2x3x3 with stickers implementing the horror pattern.

2x3x3 Mirror Horror HollowA Horror 2x3x3 reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.
2x3x3 Pan de MuertoA 2x3x3 inspired by the pan de Muerto typical of Mexico
2x3x3 QuejumbrososA 2x3x3 shaped like a sliced cylinder with the logo of a Podcast

2x4x4 HollowA 2x4x4 reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.
3x3x3 Alphonse Elric HelmetA 3x3x3 shaped like the helmet of Alphonse Elric, a character from Full metal Alchemist.
3x3x3 BludgerA spherical 3x3x3 inspired in the Bludger ball of the Harry Potter movies.

3x3x3 CalabazaA 3x3x3 shaped and painted like a halloween pumpkin
3x3x3 CoreA 3x3x3 in the shape of the core of a 3x3x3
3x3x3 Crystal PentagonalA 3x3x3 transformed into a pentagonal prism

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