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Gear Cube Extreme (aka Anisotropic Cube)
LargeImage #2010
Above: Solved
SmallImage #02010-01 SmallImage #02010-02
Click a thumbnail to see its larger version and description.

A Gear Cube with four geared edges replaced with four non-geared edges.

A Gear Cube with four geared edges replaced with four non-geared edges. Oskar designed these edges independently from the Gear Cube to allow replacing the original edges without buying a new puzzle. The non-geared edges allow unconnected quarter turns on two faces, meaning that any gear can change position with any other gear. This makes it much harder than the original Gear Cube and it's probably harder than the original 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube as well. If on non-geared edge is held fixed in space its four moves make up a well defined group. In this case the configuration which side is turnable and which not does not change.

Version by Mefferts:
Edge length: 59 mm
Weight: 166 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: GoombaGeek.


This puzzle can be found in 66 collections of these members:
ptrsdboy: My Collection
Cyberdman: My Collection
MindBoggling: My Precious
stevear22: My Collection
Lesovik314: My Collection
adeleuw: My collection
scharlton: My Collection
DrLuigi: My Collection
NiftyTwisty: My... Addiction!
MikonJuice: My collection
Puzzle Madness: My growing collection
harleythedragon: HarleyTheDragon's Puzzles
ksquared: My Collection
matthewdgibbs: Matthew's Collection
TylerMcDaniels: Tyler's Collection
kastellorizo: My Collection
alonix147: my collaction
jackmarcusdeayala: JMDA Collection
Victor Farles: Farles collection
Emanuel: Cubection

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