Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Twelve-Sided: Dodecahedron
Curvy HelimateA hybrid implementing the axis systems of Pentultimate and Helimate.
Curvy Helimate PlusThe Helimate with one additional cut usable only in jumbling turns.
Curvy MegaminxA curvy version of the megaminx. Or a megaminx'ed version of the Curvy Cube. From the same inventor.

Curvy StarminxA face turning dodecahedron with a mixture of pieces from other puzzles with this axis system.
Dayan Megaminx IA new design of megaminx with ridges on the corner pieces. There is also a version without ridges under the same name.
DeceptiminxA deceiving face turning dodecahedron with very unusual cuts.

Derenbergii DodecahedronThe Pentagram with radically different cuts.
Dino Cube DodecahedronThe Dino Cube transfortmed into the shape of a dodecahedron.
Dino DodecahedronThe easiest corner turning dodecahedron. The name is taken from its hexahedral cousin.

Dino StarminxA hybrid puzzle which looks like the Dino dodecahedron or the starminx. It combines the turns from both puzzles.
DinomateA hybrid puzzle that combines the Pentultimate with the Dino Dodecahedron.
Distorted Bump MegaminxA bumped megaminx.

Dode-Ghost 5x5x5A Ghost 5x5x5 in shape of a dodecahedron.
Dodec 108A dodecahedron with 32 possible axes of rotation, (shallows face and corner turning).
Dodec 108 FCEA dodecahedron with 62 possible axes of rotation, shallows face, corner and edge turning.

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