Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Star Midi CubeA Midi Cube (37 mm) with stars instead of regular stickers.
Star Trek CubeDepicting characters from the classic Sci-Fi-series.
Star Wars - The Force AwakensA cube sold as merchandising for Star Wars Peisode VII.

Star Wars MiniShowing six cartoonized scenes from Star Wars epidoe IV-VI
Star you, Star meA 3x3x3 with fourteen sides and painted with two different pokemons.
Starbucks Cube (Japan)A promotional item for the coffee brewing franchise.

Starbucks RubiksAdvertising for the coffee company.
Stars and Stripes CubeA very patriotic sticker variant.
StarseedA 3x3x3 customly modified to look as if it is torn in opposite directions.

StarwingThis is a modification of a 3x3x3 with concave shapes matching two sides in two.
Starz Sitcom CubeA puzzle featuring two sitcoms from the cable television network Starz.
Steinie˛Advertises for a german craft beer.

Stellation of Snub CubeA 3x3x3 in shape of the first stellation of the snub cube.
Stereogram CubeCube featuring stereograms on each side.
Stingray 3x3x3A 3x3x3 showing a marine scene.

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