Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Ransomes Jacobsen CubeThis promo cube features various Ransomes Jacobsen brands.
Raptor GhostThis shape variant implements two concepts at once: "Ghost Cube" and "Twist Cubies".
Raptor MirrorThe concept of Twist Cubies applied to a Bump Cube

Ray Ban CubeI'm calling it this only because Ray Ban is the most recognizable brand on the six faces!
Razor Truncation 3x3x3A combination of a half truncated cube and a truncated cube.
Real kite cubeA 3x3x3 truncated on two sides into a prism with a kite-shape as base.

RealhorrorA Bump Cube with holes on the outer shell and two solutions.
Red Bump BallA 3x3x3 in shape of a sphere. In addition the core was moved away from the shapes center.
Relativity CubeA picture-variant of the 3x3x3. The images were adapted from one of M. C. Eschers most famous works.

Relativity Cube (2x2x2)A picture-variant of the 2x2x2. The images were adapted from one of M. C. Eschers most famous works. The same was already adapted to a 3x3x3.
Religious Objects Puzzle CubeContains numerous Jewish holiday symbols.
Renaissance 3x3x33x3x3 featuring famous paintings from the Renaissance

Reptile CubeA 3x3x3 stickered with images taken from six different reptile skins.
Reptilian CubeAnother piece fo cubeart This time a fantastic retile is depicted.
Respect CubeA sticker pattern for the 3x3x3 that poses a nice combinatorial problem to solve it.

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