Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Gato cubeA cube similar to the Krenol cube without winnig situations.

GeicoAdvertising for the insurance company.
Geistlich CubeGeistlich is a Swiss-born multinational group of companies primarily involved pharmaceutical and biomaterials.
General Electric CubeA promotional cube featuring General Electric Cube.

General Mills Cereals CubeThis official Rubik's Cube features General Mills cereals.
Geneva Public Transport CubeAnother promo cube, this time for Geneva Public Transport.
Geo Plant PiranhaA sample of Geometry Cube B with some additional art resembling a piranha.

GeodeWhat may look like a simple puzzle turns crazy when external bandaging comes into effect.
Geodesic Sphere KnotsA cube depicting pieces of mathematical art.
Geometry Cube AA 3x3x3 with just 6 corners and 6 edges.

Geometry Cube BA 3x3x3 with just 6 corners and 7 edges and 2 faces.
Geometry Cube CA 3x3x3 with just 7 corners and 9 edges and 3 faces.
Gerardo's CubeThe concept of the Floppy 2x3x3 applied to a 3x3x3.

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