Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Conermate IIA hybrid puzzle combining the cuts of a Pentultimate and a Pentagram.
Conjoined CubesTwo 2x2x2s fused into one puzzle. They can be played both but not simultanously.
Connected CubesTwo 2x2x2 cubes connected by gears.

ConstellationA dodecahedron with 14 cuts directly inspired by two different Starminxes.
Constellation IIThe same puzzle as the Constellation with a shape only slightly modified.
Constellation SixVertex-turning triangular dipyramid.

Copper OrbA CADed relative of the "The Orb" with three rows of marbles instead of four.
Copter 3x3x3A hybrid puzzle that combines a 3x3x3 and a Curvy Copter.
CopterMinxThe CopterMinx is a hybrid of two puzzles. A megaminx and a Helicopter Dodecahedron.

Coral CubeDesigned to be the Ghost Kilominx Cube - Hollowed Edition but named differently.
CoreA Rex Cube in shape of three intersecting cylinders.
Corner of InfinityA three circle puzzle centered on the corner of a hexagonally tiled infinite plane.

Corner of Infinity UnbandagedAn unbandaged version of the Corner of Infinity.
Corner turning snub cubeA strange axis system implemented with a puzzle of strange shape.
Corona CubeA cube with hybrid axis system which cutting pattern emulates the designer's Solar Flare puzzle.

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