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Cat's Cradle - (Radiolarian 5)The 5th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Celestial GlobeA deeper cut Skyglobe with one additional set of pieces, the corners.
Celestial SixThe constellation six reimplemented with additional corner pieces.

Celtic CubeAlso named "cubic face turning deltoidal icositetrahedron"
Celtic DodecahedronA dodecahedron with 60 axes of rotation. A jumbling only puzzle.
Celtic FraudIt seems to be another Celtic Cube but it is a doubled version of the 4 Corners Cube.

Celtic TetrahedronThe first tetrahedron with the axis system of an edge turning hexahedron.
Cheese BlockA prism with 3 layers, 14 segments and the shape of a cuboid.
Cheese CrystalA one-layer cheese with 10 segments in shape of a rhombic icosahedron, a shortened rhombi triacontahedron.

Cheese CubeA 3-layered cheese in shape of a cube.
Cheese SlideA deepcut prism with three cuts and three layers and a shell of pieces with one moving hole.
Chilen CubeA two-layered pentagonal prism with spherical cuts.

Chimera (4x4x6x6 cube)A combination of a 4x4x4 and a 6x6x6. Inspired by Tony Fishers V-Dome and implementing two AI-Cubes.
Chinese Wall Pieces - Corner TowerA 2x2x2 reshaping a section of the chinese wall.
Chinese Wall Pieces - Line TowerA 2x2x2 reshaping a section of the chinese wall.

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