Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Authorization Question*
How many sides does a Pyramorphix have? (Spell it out.)
Item Name/Title*
Inventor or Author*
If the puzzle was a collaborative project enter the person who did the most work. Usually this is NOT the person with the idea but the person with the CAD program or the person who actually physically built the puzzle. Please mention all other people (and describe their roles) in the Long Description field.
Producer or Publisher*
Producer is reserved for puzzles which are/were commercially available. For all others, please choose "Custom" in the Producer drop down.
For a custom puzzle: The year in which the puzzle was first shown to the public. For a mass produced puzzle: The year the production started.
Original Price
The USD equivalent price this item originally sold for. Use the standard currency format, excluding the currency symbol: "0.99", "24.02", "1299.98". If you need a currency converter, try this one.
Patent Numbers
Separate each different patent number with a comma followed by a space. Eg: "BE887875, HU214709".
Items only appear in one section. If there is a cross-over, choose wisely! All books about specific puzzles are categorized as "Books". "Unidentified" is the section for items that aren't named correctly yet. "Miscellaneous" covers interesting things related to the twisty puzzle genre. Choose "Other Shapes" if you don't have a better guess.
Image Count*
To be accepted into the site, each museum item must have at least one picture. E-mail all pictures (and any additional captions) to the museum mods.
Image Captions Image #1:

Image #2:

Image #3:

Image #4:

Image #5:

Image #6:

Image #7:

Image #8:

Image #9:

Image #10:

Image #11:

Image #12:

Image #13:

Image #14:

Image #15:

Image #16:

Image #17:

Image #18:

Image #19:

Image #20:

Short Description
This short description is shown whenever this item appears on a section or search results page. A single sentence or two would be best.
Long Description
This can be as long as you'd like, really. Don't write a book... but an article would be great!
Your Name
If you leave this field blank, you will not be credited on the item page.
Your Email
You can leave your email-adress here. This will allow the moderators to contact you in case they have some questions. The email address will not be shown to public.
If there is anything the moderator should know about adding this new item, please specify it here. These comments will not be added to the item page.
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