Bump Burr4A bumped version of the Burr Cube which itself is a bandaged 4x4x4.
Bump ChangeThe bumped version of the recently presented Pocket Change.
Bump Cube 9x9x9This is a shape modification of a 9x9x9 cube that implements the same concept as the Mirror Blocks (aka Bump Cube).
Bump Pocket 2The inventor bumped the 2x2x2-part of a Corner Pocket.
Bump SkewbA bumped skewb: The puzzle is moved inside its shape but not rotated.
C-10A cylindric prism with 4 pieces on each face. Unlike Square-1 it does not behave bandaged.
C-18A five-layered variant of the C-10 puzzle. This is a cylindric Square-0.5 puzzle. Unlike C-10 it has five layers and does not behave bandaged.