Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Bump AI 6x6x6A 6x6x6 bandaged and bumped.
Bump Axis SkewbA bumped version of the Axis Skewb
Bump Burr4A bumped version of the Burr Cube which itself is a bandaged 4x4x4.

Bump ChangeThe bumped version of the recently presented Pocket Change.
Bump Cube 9x9x9This is a shape modification of a 9x9x9 cube that implements the same concept as the Mirror Blocks (aka Bump Cube).
Bump MegamoidA Megamoid that was "bumped".

Bump Pocket 2The inventor bumped the 2x2x2-part of a Corner Pocket.
Bump Rhombic DodecahedronA bumped 3x3x3 but with the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
Bump Shape changeable 5x5x5 IA bumped version of the Bump Shape changeable 5x5x5 I

Bump SkewbA bumped skewb: The puzzle is moved inside its shape but not rotated.
Bump Triangular Prism 2x2x2A 2x2x2 that was reshaped into a triangular Prism and then bumped.
Bump axis illusionAxis stickers on a bump cube

Burr 7 Wall AdvancedA modified version of the Burr7 Wall Cube.
C-10A cylindric prism with 4 pieces on each face. Unlike Square-1 it does not behave bandaged.
C-18A five-layered variant of the C-10 puzzle. This is a cylindric Square-0.5 puzzle. Unlike C-10 it has five layers and does not behave bandaged.

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