Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Clover Cube (Collider)The Collider Cube with slightly different cuts exposing two new piece types.
Clover Cube PlusUnbandaged version of the Trifurcation cube.
Clover Cube PlusPlusA modification of the Clover Cube in which the inventor split up the wing pieces.

Clover bandageA clover Cube with one half of the possible turns bandaged in a single block.
Collider CubeA face turning tetrakis hexahedron in the shape of a cube.
Collider Cube PlusThe Collider Cube with slightly different cuts.

Collider Cube UltimateThe Collider Cube with slightly deeper cuts and one level of bandaging.
Compass Cube IIA fully unbandaged Sun Cube.
Confusion CubeA triangular prism with three layers in shape of a cube but with an awkwardly reoriented axis system.

Corner PocketA bandaged 3x3x3 in disguise.
Crawl CubeAn axised master skewb
Crazy 3x3x3 Mirror CubeA bumped version of the Crazy 3x3x3.

Crazy Cube (Square-1)A Star Prism caught in midturn and reshaped back to a hexahedron.
Crazy Curvycopter (moon type)A Curvy Copter with 4 crazy circles on its edges.
Crazy GearAn axised variant of the Gear Cube from the same inventor.

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