Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Special 2x2x2One of the most trivial bandaged cubes.
Special Retro 50th Anniversary EditionA cube celebrating the 50th anniversary of Rubik's Cube's invention. In a retro package resembling the cube craze.
Spectre CubeA variant of the Ghost cube designed to have pairs of opposite pieces that are mirroring each other.

Sphere In CubeCross between Rubik's Cube and Rubik's Sphere. Hand crafted mutation cube.
Sphere with numbersA white Rubik's Sphere with numbers on the stickers.
Spherical 3x3x3 Ball Cube with small cornersA mass produced piece shuffle of differently sized spherical 3x3x3s.

SpiderWhen a 3x3x3 becomes a piece of art ... the result is a gigantic spider.
Spiderman CubeDepicting the famous marvel character four times plus two logos.
Spikes CubeA 3x3x3 with 24 small pyramids instead of stickers on the corner pieces.

Spinning TopA 3x3x3 truncated on six different sides.
Spiral CubeA 3x3x3 which still has 6 sides but an additional twist. It lies somewhere between a 3x3x3 and a Fisher Cube.
Spiral Cube (bandaged)A 3x3x3 bandged to resemble a spiral on one corner.

Spiral Edges CubeThree columns of a Rubiks Cube exchanged with the columns of an Octagon. The result has a rare symmetry group.
Spiral Mirror CubeA Bump Cube covered with custom stickers showing spirals.
Spiral Surface 3x3x3A 3x3x3 related to the "Ball Sudoku Cube" from Mefferts

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