Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Shell plcCube advertising for the petrol company.
Shepherd's CubeA very confusing sticker variation. From the early 1980s.
Shining DiamondA 3x3x3 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid and afterwards truncated again.

Shiroi Rubik's CubeA white Rubiks Cube that can be used as Rubik's Cube for the blind.
ShuangRen (54.6 mm)A 3x3x3 which is slightly smaller than standard to allow plastic caps to be placed upon the cubies.

Shuriken Face 3x3x3A 3x3x3 redesigned to resemble a japanese throwing star.
Siamese 12 (2x2x3)A nice custom-built variation on the Siamese Cubes.
Siamese 3 (1x1x3)Two 3x3x3 cubes sharing one column of cubies.

Siamese 6 (1x2x3) CubesA nice custom-built variation on the Siamese Cubes.
Siamese 6 (1x2x3) Key ChainA nice custom-built variation on the Siamese Cubes.
Siamese Bump CubeA Siamese 3x3x3. This time with two bump cubes and a connecting block of 1x1x1.

Siamese Confused PillowsTwo Confused Pillow Cubes were fused into a new single puzzle.
Siamese Cube (aka Siamese 3 (1x1x3))The Mefferts version. Designed for easy disassembling.
Siamese CuboctahedronsSiamese Cuboctahedrons. Two handmade cuboctahedral 3x3x3 fused into a Siamese puzzle.

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