Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Square-1 + NxNxN
2x2x2 Time BarrelA puzzle like Square-1 designed around a 2x2x2.
2x2x2 Tri-φ Square-1A model that uses a 2x2x2 as a base to incorporate three Square-1s
2x2x2 clock PuzzleA 2x2x2 with two circles out of 12 segments.

3 Square in 1Three samples of a Square-1 combined with what looks like a 2x2x2.
Bump Time MachineA bumped version of the Time Machine
Cheese Wheel 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with one independently turnable circle per side with eight segments each.

CheeseblockA 2x2x2 with 6 circular sectors on each face.
Ink CubeThis can be viewed as the creators puzzle "Time Machine" reduced to one side.
Master Square-1A hybrid of a cut up Square-1 and a 2x2x2.

Master Sun DialThe higher order version of the Time Machine.
Monolith of TimeA 2x2x3 with two circles instead of two additional layers. Partially bandaged.
Pandora Square-1The Square-1 XP redesigned with moves resembling the Pandora Cube.

ReactorAn Ufo meets a two layered Square-1.
Square 3DA unique combination of Square-1 and 2x2x2.
Square-1 XPA hybrid of a Square-1 and a 2x2x2.

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