Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Prism (4+ layers)
Pentagonal prism (6 layers)A fully functional prism with pentagonal shape and 6 layers high.
Professor Hexagonal PrismA hexagonal prism with two cuts per face.
Professor Pentagonal PrismThis is a face turning 5x5x5 pentagonal prism. The sides must be turned 180 degrees.

Professor StarPrismA pentagonal prism with six layers and a 6x6-pattern on each square.
Professor Triangular PrismA triangular prism with 3 layers on the main axis and 5 layers in height.
Professor Triangular Prism (non-pillowed)A triangular prism with 3 layers on the main axis and 5 layers in height. Redesinged with flat faces.

Reuleaux TobleroidA five layered triangualr prism roughly in the shape of a bar of the famous swiss chocolate.
Standard 5-Layers Pentahedron Puzzle A derivative of the Triangular Prism with five layers.

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