Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

3x3x10A 3x3x10 cuboid. It had to be non-proportionate to be functional.
3x3x10 (proportional)A 3x3x10 with the shape of a true cuboid.
3x3x10 ICompact cuboid with one more layer than the 3x3x9.

3x3x10 IIThe concept of Roadblock implemented with 10 layers.
3x3x11The name describes it perfectly. Two years earlier this puzzle would have deemed impossible.
3x3x11 (Witeden)A cubic 3x3x9 with two additional layers on top and bottom.

3x3x11 IIThe concept of Roadblock implemented with 11 layers.
3x3x12This cuboid was created after the 3x3x14 by removing a pair of layers.
3x3x13 IA cubic 3x3x9 with four additional layers on top and bottom.

3x3x13 IIThe concept of Roadblock implemented with 13 layers.
3x3x14A half regular cuboid from Grégoire Pfennigs run of cuboids of 2012.
3x3x15 IA cubic 3x3x9 with six additional layers on top and bottom.

3x3x15 IIThe concept of Roadblock implemented with 15 layers.
3x3x17 IA cubic 3x3x9 with eight additional layers on top and bottom.
3x3x17 IIThe concept of Roadblock implemented with 17 layers.

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