Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Juan Antonio Munoz Frias
ColondraEight intersecting circles bandaged comparable to the Rotascope.
Equal 3x3x3Higher version of EQUAL 7
Rolling Cubes 6x6The enlarged variant of the Color Cube Puzzle.

Rolling OctahedronsThe puzzle consists of 6 identical octahedrons in a grid, each octahedron has 8 differtents colours on it. You can roll the ocatahedron into a vacant space. The object of the puzzle is get the final pattern from any initial.
Rolling pyramidsFifteen tetrahedrons over a grid. The tetrahedrons have to be rolled around to scramble and solve the puzzle.
Rolling pyramids V2Twenty-three tetrahedrons over a grid. The tetrahedrons have to be rolled around to scramble and solve the puzzle.

Stickered TripodA Platypus dyed and stickered to change the look into that of a classic puzzle.
Sudoku 2x2x2 (stickerless)The concept of sudoku implemented with colours on a 2x2x2.
Sudoku 3x3x3A cube with stickers in 9 different colours. Is solved like a sudoku.

Sudoku Pyraminx IIThe concept of Sudoku applied to a Pyraminx, implemented with colours.
Ten billion 2/3A ten billion barrel with only two colums to push the marbles up and down.
Ten billion holeA Nintendo ten billion barrel transformed into a varikon puzzle.

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