Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Ian Henriksen
Celestial HeartrixThe Heartrix reimplemented with slightly different cuts which add corners to the puzzle.
Celestial TriaxeThree axes with 5-fold rotation. Effectively a Master Pentultimate with just three rotations.
Crazy KiteA crazy face turning deltoidal icositetrahedron plus with additional unbandaging cuts in the central circles.

Faceted TwistThe Krystian's Twist with flattened surfaces.
Galaxy BiaxeTwo turns in a deeper than origin puzzle that is totally doctrinaire.
Photonic CrystalThe Trapentrix with even deeper cuts, a doctrinaire puzzle with two threefold turns.

Radio BridgeThe Radiolarian 8 (aka Radio Jam) in shape of a dodecahedron.
Radio BurstThe dodecahedral equivalent of the (not yet implemented) Radiolarian 10.
Radio FlareThe dodecahedral version of RadioWeb (aka Radiolarian 6)

Radio ShockThe pieces of radiolarians 3-8 in shape of a dodecahedron.
SunstoneA face turning cube which allows 45°-turns and is doctrinaire. One piece type more than Gem-45.

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