Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Manish Rathod
2x3x3 Curvy Pillowed Mirror CubeA Domino bumped into the shape of a cube (roughly)
2x3x3 Hexagonal Crazy CubeA Crazy 2x3x3 transformed into a hexagonal prism.
2x3x3 Triangular crazy Mirror CubeA Crazy 2x3x3 transformed into a strange round triangular prism.

2x4x6 Ghost CubeA 2x4x6 in shape of a cube and ghosted.
3x4x5 (bandaged 6x6x6)A 3x4x5 made by bandaging a 6x6x6.
3x5x7 Axis Pillowed CubeA 3x5x7 transformed like an Axis Cube but still into the shape of a cube.

3x5x7 Twisty Mirror CubeThe Twist Mirror Cube implemented with the mechanism of the 3x5x7.
4x4x4 Burr Mirror CubeThe Wall (aka Burr) Cube combined with the concept of the Bump Cube.
4x4x4 Hexagonal Ghost CubeThe ghosted variant of the Master Hexagonal Prism.

4x4x4 Icosahedron GhostA 4x4x4 transformed into a Ghost Cube and an icosahedron at the same time.
4x4x4 Lotus BallA 4x4x4 with 3D printed extensions transforming it into a star supposed to resemble a Lotus flower.
4x4x4 Twist Mirror CubeA bumped 4x4x4 with three spirals

5x5x5 Burr MirrorThe Wall5 combined with the concept of the Bump Cube.
5x5x5 Penrose Axis CubeThe Penrose 5x5x5 combined with the Axis Cube.
5x5x5 Rhombic Dodecahedron ghost cubeA ghosted 5x5x5 in shape of a Rhombic Dodecahedron.

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