Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Spencer Brodhead
10x10x10 Fisher CubeA 10x10x10 which is “Fishered”, meaning it was turned inside its solid by 45°.
2x2x2 Diametric HexahedronAn asymmetric trigonal dipyramid with a 2x2x2 as the core.
2x2x4 Axis CuboidA 2x2x4 treated like the Axis Cube.

4x4x4 Diametric HexahedronAn asymmetric trigonal dipyramid with a 4x4x4 as the core.
5x5x5 Diametric HexahedronAn asymmetric trigonal dipyramid with a 5x5x5 as the core.
8x8x8 Mirror BlocksA 8x8x8 modified like the Mirror Blocks (aka: Bump Cube).

9x9x9 Diametric HexahedronA 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions in the shape of a triagonal dipyramid with different heights.
Diametric Hexahedron PocketA Pocket Cube after some turns transformed into the shape of an asymmetric trigonal dipyramid.

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