Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Anthone Poole
Capella CubeTop and bottom layer of a hexagonal prism. Middle layer of a 3x3x3.
Circle GigaminxA Gigaminx with circles that make the visible three piece types hidden earlier.
Crazy Penta FloppyIt looks like a Floppy puzzle but solvingwise it is a reimplementation of the first pentagonal prism.

Mini Radio 3 IcosahedronA brother of Eitan's Star with curvy cuts and one additional piece type.
Radio 3 DodecahedronA corner turning dodecahedron resembling with a Curvy Starminx a totally different puzzle.
Radio 3 OctahedronA Radiolarian 3 (a face turning icosahedron) redesigned to have the shape of an octahedron.

Reuleaux CrystalminxA Pyraminx Crystal in shape of a reuleaux tetrahedron.
Y-BoidMeant to be a 1x2x3 but comes with two additional pieces and a very strange shape.

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