Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Coin IcosahedronAn icosahedron that combines face and corner turns into a hybrid axis system in the easiest possible configuration.
Coin SkewbA cube with hybrid axis systems combining a Skewb with an extremely low cut face turning cube.
Collider-10A face-turning pentagonal dipyramid with curved cuts.

Collider-10 UnbandagedAn unbandaged version of the Collider-10 with additional soted cuts.
ColondraEight intersecting circles bandaged comparable to the Rotascope.
Compass 2DEight segments, one rotating circle and one moving hole.

Compass 3DA reduced Bolaris, reimplementing a 2D puzzle from the same designer.
Complex SkewbA Master Skewb hidden inside a Skewb with many holes.
Compy Skewb IIA corner turning cube that combines the turns of a skewb with four compy turns.

Copter Tower HouseThe Copter Tower (a shape variant of the 3x3x3) in shape of a house.
Corner Pocket StarThe Corner Pocket transformed into the shape of an Escher solid.
Corner isolated cubeA 3x3x3 bandaged with a plastic plane covering one side of a cube and truncated corner. It implements a new type of bandaging.

Cosmic GemA face turning Deltoidal Icositetrahedron with the same cutting depth but simpler than the preceeding "Deranged Dark Matter".
Crate CubeA 3x3x3 stickered to resemble a 6x6x6 consisting of three conjoined cubes.
Crazy DiamondTwo face turning rhombohedra combined into a concave solid with a jumbling only axis system.

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