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Other Shapes: Sphere
Sphere-1A Square-1 in shape of a sphere.
Spherical 3x3x3 Ball Cube with small cornersA mass produced piece shuffle of differently sized spherical 3x3x3s.
Spherical Mirror 2x2x2A 2x2x2 bumped and reshaped into a sphere.

Spherical ToruThe Toru redesigned into the shape of a sphere.
Spherical TuttminxA spherical version of the Tuttminx.
Spherical Tuttminx 66A Tuttminx in spherical shape with the pentagons replaced by hexagons.

Spiderless Little ChopA Little Chop without spider and magnets.
Square-1 mirror ballA Square-1 bumped and in shape of a sphere.
Stalk BallA Rubiks Sphere with the corner pieces hidden under customized plastic sheet.

Star Cap MasterballBoth center layers on this USA Masterball variation are all white.
Star ball 24A spherical version of the Little Chop, designed for mass production.
Starball DreamballA Dreamball puzzle.

StingrayProbably the most simple edge and corner turning cube in shape of a sphere.
Sudoku MasterballThe concept of Sudoku applied to a Masterball.
Super Master SkewbA shape transformation of the traditional Master Skewb. Each piece is intended to have a single position and orientation in the puzzle.

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