Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Rhombicosidodecahedron SkewbA skewb in the shape of the namegiving solid. In this case it is an archimedean solid.
Rhombille Rex IIIThree intersecting circles, one of sixth order and two of third order.
RhombiminxA Rhombic Dodecahedron 2x2x2 or 4x4x4 modification, where the tips also turn.

Rhomdo CometThe shape and axis system of the Rhomdo reduced to the simplest possible puzzle.
Rhomdo CopterThe Rhomdo Comet in shape of a cube.
Rhomdo Transformer UnbandagedOscar van Deventer's Rhomdo Transformer with one level of unbandaging

Riddle SkewbThe Offset Skewb which allows 60° turns.
Risas FractureA fractured variant of the Jumble Trap
Robot 2x2x3A 2x2x3 transformed into the shape of a robot.

Rocking the Moon“Rocking the Moon”, a puck with a curved cut deeper than the origin and 11 segments.
RodiniaThe Dino Associahedron with two additional cuts.
Rolling OctahedronsThe puzzle consists of 6 identical octahedrons in a grid, each octahedron has 8 differtents colours on it. You can roll the ocatahedron into a vacant space. The object of the puzzle is get the final pattern from any initial.

Rolling pyramidsFifteen tetrahedrons over a grid. The tetrahedrons have to be rolled around to scramble and solve the puzzle.
Rolling pyramids V2Twenty-three tetrahedrons over a grid. The tetrahedrons have to be rolled around to scramble and solve the puzzle.
Rolling-Stones One Layer Square-1 PuckA shape modification of the One Layer Square-1.

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