Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Doctrinaire axis system with fractional angles (other)
Fractured curvy dino rhombic dodecahedron v4A rhombic dodecahedron with two different axis systems and a set of additional cuts that allows 60° corner turns plus two steps of unbandaging.
FudgedronA fudged cousin of the Gem III. A hybrid of corner turning and face turning hexahedron which allows 60�-turns on the corners.
FudgidronA face turning chamfered cube. A fudged puzzle.

HaoYan CubeA Master Skewb combined with a 2x2x2 and strange jumbling turns.
HaoYan Cube PlusAn Elite Skewb combined with a 2x2x2 and strange jumbling turns.
Heaven's EyesA face turning rhombic dodecahedron made with pieces designed for a different puzzles.

IRT V1 F1Fragmentation version of the Big Stingray puzzle. It allows more turns than the doctrinaire puzzle.
IRT V1 F2The Big Stingray with additional turning abilities.
Icosahedron 77A Tuttminx in spherical shape with the pentagons replaced by heptagons.

Icosahedron Chaotic 1A Tuttminx in spherical shape where only the hexagons can be turned but in steps of 60�.
Megaminx Ball V1.0 - C1A mass produced spherical version of the megaminx in which two hexagonal sides replace two pentagonal sides.
Morpho DeidamiaA Curvy Copter Extreme without the face pieces.

Morpho HelenaMorpho Deidamia with edge turns that allow for another type of turn.
Morpho Helenor OctaviaA 2x2x2 combined with a Curvy Copter which edge turns are split up every 45�.
Morpho MarinitaMorpho Deidamia with edge turns that allow for another type of turn.

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