Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Jumbling only axis system (other)
Melty-D PlusThe Melty D redesigned and unbandaged by one level.
Minimal CaTSuPA corner turning square pyramid, redesigned to be minimal, just like the Minimal Twist.
Minimal HeptaThe puzzle "between" Minimal Hex and Minimal Octa, designed with a completely different mechanism.

Minimal JumbleThe skeletal version of "Fairly Twisted"
Minimal PentaThe puzzle below the Minimal Hex.
OctoloidA weird face turning 8-sided solid, resembling a faceted oloid.

Offset Clover CubeThe Clover Cube made into an edge turning puzzle that is jumbling only.
Osnik PrismHexagonal prism with three turns per side and two seperate groups.
PentaJumbleA jumbling-only puzzle with a weird axis system and a somewhat regular shape.

Pentacopter 15An edge-turning pentagonal prism with 15 axes of rotation.
Poison Ivy OctahedronAn every-other corner turning curvy cut truncated octahedron.
Professor Dürer's SolidA two layer (per)face turning Dürer's Solid.

PropelloA corner turning Propello Tetrahedron.
Pseudo RediminxA face-turning bi-augmented hexagonal antiprism. Twelve sides, two of them hexagonal and 24 axes.
Quirky Gem IA reinvented Pentajumble but with different cuts.

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