Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Jumbling only axis system (face turning tetragonal trapezohedron)
LiliaA puzzle with a Tetragonal Trapezohedron Core, super stickers and the shape of a quadrangular gyro-elongated and extended bipyramid.
Lotus IIA vertex-turning square antiprism with the shape of a Gyroelongated Square Dipyramid which is a Johnson solid.
Minimal OctaA puzzle related to Minimal Hex reimplementing Gemstone II in a minimalistic way.

Offset OctaA puzzle related to Minimal Octa reimplementing Star Trap in a minimalistic way.
Raptor Anti PrismA corner turning square anti prism with curvy cuts a little deeper than those of the Curvy V-TAP.
Raptor tetrakis Anti Prism weird unbandagedA corner turning tetrakis square anti prism with curvy cuts a little deeper than those of the Curvy V-TAP

Rex DecahedronEight axes with cuts that let the puzzle resemble a distorted Rex Cube.
Risas FractureA fractured variant of the Jumble Trap
Shadow OctahedronA Face turning tetragonal trapezohedron in the shape of an octahedron and with two additional doctrinaire cuts on the top and bottom corners.

Spacecraft-J85A Jumbling only axis system (face turning tetragonal trapezohedron, non-canonical) plus two new axes, that turn at 90 degrees.
Star TrapA jumbling only puzzle which fills a missing slot in the series of face turning tetragonal trapezohedrons between the Crystal Trap and the jumble Trap.
Star Trap PlusA version of Star Trap with some additional cuts, unbandaging it a bit further.

Twisted Ice Cream ConeA shape transformation of the Kite Trap
V-TAP PlanetA corner turning tetrakis anti-prism, unbandaged, in shape of a sphere.
Vertex turning Square AntiprismAnother geometry-defying design which allows only jumbling turns.

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