Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Casey Mihaloew
Rainbow slideThe Moving Hole cousin of the Rainbow Cube.
Slide Skewb Rhombic DodecahedronA Skewb Rhombic Dodecahedron combined with a Moving Hole puzzle.
Slide dodecahedron30 edge pieces of a dodecahedron minus one hole in which four of the adjacent pieces can be moved into.

Snub Disphenoid 2x2x3A 2x2x3 in shape of the namegiving solid which is a Johnson solid.
TSI SkewbA 3D printed skewb in the shape of a tetrahedrally stellated icosahedron, also known as a tetrahedrally diminished dodecahedron.
YASLA dodecahedron that combines the axis system of a face turning cube and a face turning icosahedron. The result is a jumbling puzzle.

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