Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Benjy Oliver
Siamese Hexagonal DipyramidsTwo Hexagonal Dipyramids fused into a Siamese puzzle.
Siamese Megaminx BallsTwo Megaminx Balls fused into a single puzzle.
Siamese Octagons 1 (side by side)Siamese Octagons - Version 1. Equivalent to a Siamese 6 with a joint 1x2x3-block.

Siamese Octagons 2 (on top)Siamese Octagons 2 - Version 2. It is equivalent to a Siamese 6 with a joint 1x2x3-block.
Siamese Shepherds CubeSiamese Shepherds Cube. A sticker variant of the Siamese Cubes.
Siamese Skewb HexsTwo Hex Skewbs (each with the shape of a Truncated Octahedron) fused into a single puzzle.

Sun BlockAn extended Void/Holey Skewb
Time BallA shape variant of the wheel of time in shape of a sphere.
Triangular CheeseA 2 layered Cheese puzzle extended into a triangular prism.

Truncated Siamese Mirror BlocksTwo Bump Cubes were fused to a siamese puzzle and afterwards truncated.
Truncated Skewb KiteA Rhombic Dodecahedron Skewb (aka skewb kite) truncated into the shape of a chamfered cube.
Truncated Trajbers Octahedron 4x4x4A 4x4x4 Trajbers Octahedron truncated on its tips.

Twin StarsA pair of Siamese 3x3x3's truncated on the not-combined edges.
X-RexA Rex Cube truncated on all edges. Inspired by the X-Cube but implemented differently.

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