Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

A J Lu
Shell CubeA hybrid puzzle that combines the corners turns of a coin cube and the edge turns of the clover cube.
Sliding SSQ-1The successor of Tony Fishers sliding Pucks. 6 layers of tiles taken from various Super Square-1's.
Sparkling CubeA 3x3x3 covered with 6 different types of Swarovski crystals.

Square-1 CakeA handbuilt puzzle shaped like stacked cylinders. Its building required several techniques.
Three Solution 2x2x2 Dice CubeA 2x2x2 (!) covered with 56 dice, designed to have three different solutions.
Time Machine IIA 2x2x2 (bandaged into a 1x2x2) received 6 rings of a hexagonal prism.

Tower Triangle PrismA straightforward shape variant. A 2x2x3 in shape of a triangular prism.
Triangle DominoA Domino in shape of a triangular prism.
Two layer square prismA super Square-1 reduced to 2 layers and bandaged two a square prism.

Two layer square prism (fishered)A super Square-1 reduced to 2 layers and bandaged two a square prism. The fishered version.

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