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Member Collections > Deus4el - Deus Cubes Wishes
Puzzles I'd like to obtain.


4-Leaf-Clover Cube An edge turning cube which closest relative is a more complex hybrid puzzle that came before it.
4x4x4 Curvy Dino A corner turning cube very similar to the Curvy Mosaic Cube but two additional pieces.
Clover Cube A hybrid of Curvy Copter and 2x2x2.

Compy Cube A shallow cut Dino Cube
Curvy Copter Extreme A cube with hybrid axis system combining the turns of the skewb and a shallow curvy copter.
Curvy Copter II A deeper cut version of the Curvy Copter which results in a different set of pieces.

Curvy Copter III An edge turning hexahedron with cuttings depths somewhere between Curvy Copter and Curvy Copter II. This is a hexahedral brother of the master pyramorphix but with curved cuts.
Flower Copter A hybrid puzzle which combines the moves of the Curvy Copter (hence the name) and moves similar (but not identical) to the Rex Cube.
Grilles Cube II A cube that allows face turns and corner turns in two depths.

Grilles I A reduced variant of Grilles II, with one set of face and corner turns.
Lattice Cube Could be thought of as a Master Dino Cube.
Master Clover Cube The higher order version of the 4-Leaf-Clover Cube.

Redi Cube A twisty puzzle cube that turns around its corners. A faceless Compy Cube.
Skewby Copter Plus A hybrid of the Skewb and the Curvy Copter Plus. It adds one level of unbandaging to an already complex hybrid puzzle.
Sun Cube II Looks like a Sun Cube but uses a completely different axis system.


4 Corners Cube A cube with cuts corresponding to the twelve faces of a face turning triakis tetrahedron. A jumbling-only puzzle.
Andromeda Cube A cube with pentagonal icositetrahedral symmetry, and 24 axes of rotation. A jumbling-only puzzle.
Curvy Copter Plus A Curvy Copter with split up X-pieces

Delta Cube An UFO transformed to have the shape of a cube.
Morpho Deidamia A Curvy Copter Extreme without the face pieces.
Shuang Fei Yan Cube Looks like a mass produced version of the 4+4 corners cube but allows more turns.

Trifurcation Cube A mass produced cube with 24 axes in a jumbling only axis system.
Twins cube A Skewby Copter Plus with an additional set of cuts on the same axis system.


Hexagram Octahedron The combination of Traijbers octahedron and the skewb octahadron.
Trajber's 4x4x4 A 4x4x4 transformed into octahedral shape.
Trajber's Octahedron Of this 3x3x3-variant only few examples were produced and sold in the eighties.


Dayan Gem VIII A face turning octahedron in shape of a truncated tetrahedron (an archimedean solid) with non-equidistant cuts.


Coronaminx A dodecahedral which allows face turns and corner turns. Unlike other puzzles with this hybrid axis system the cutting pattern emulates the solar flare.
Curvy Dino Megaminx A corner turning dodecahedron with five layers per axis.
Helicopter Dodecahedron (MF8) This puzzle tries to reimplement the Helicopter Cube in a dodecahedron.

Rex Dodecahedron The second mass produced corner turning dodecahedron.
Starminx I A face turning dodecahedron. The cuts are deeper than in the Pyraminx Crystal.
Sunminx A puzzle close to the Heaven's Eyes but on the basis of a dodecahedron.


Hexagonal Dipyramid 3x3x3 A 3x3x3 half-regularly truncated on 6 corners and afterwards extended. The result has th shape of the name giving solid.


Clover Tetrahedron The principle of Clover Cube applied to a tetrahedron.
Hexagram Tetrahedron A tetrahedron combining the cuts of a Pyraminx with a Pyramorphix.


DaYan Gem IV The first mass produced face turning octahedron with three cuts per axis although it does not have the octahedrons shape.


Astrominx An icosahedral Starminx.

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