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Dinosaur Rubik's Cube - 6 colours (aka Dino Cube)
LargeImage #605
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The most basic corner turning hexahedron. This version has six colours.

There were four different versions of this puzzle produced in the nineties:
Version with 2 colours, 4 colours, 6 colours and the dinosaur version. All four can be found in this museum.
An idea so simple that one might wonder why it was not produced earlier thatn 1995. The first samples of the Dino Cube were designed and made out of paper independently by Robert Webb from Australia in 1985 (please refer to the independent entry) and Stephen Harvey from New Zealand in 1990.
In 1995 mass production of this puzzle (the version with the dinosaurs) started. Liang-Yen Wu convinced S.Y. Liou to also produce the versions with 2, 4 and 6 colours.
Wu distributed the puzzles and initially called the puzzles "Corner turning Cubes".
It shall be noted that in 1998 James R Holloway applied for a patent which was granted in 2000 under the number given above but that was after the puzzle has already seen the light of day.
Edge length: 59 mm
Weight: 158 grams

In 2011 a new mass produced version from MF8 hit the market. See images 7-10.
Edge length: 57 mm
Weight: 92 grams

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DISCLAIMER: The following table contains user-generated content. This information is collected to serve as a rough guideline and is certainly not complete and may not even be accurate. This information is filtered and carefully moderated, but incorrect information will inevitably find its way into the system. Always use your own judgement when buying or selling an item.

Sale Date Price (USD) Sale Type Condition Package Condition Notes Contributors Edit
2005-10-03337.00eBay AuctionMintMintSeller from Australia, auction in US dollarsAleksey



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Sandy.


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m0monga183: My Collection
Puzzler: My Collection
Scott Bedard: My Collection
snake solvers wish list: My Collection
jjros242: My Collection
Andreas Nortmann: Andreas' collection
Francesc: Cube collection
JasonSmith: My Collection
Hidetoshi: My Collection
taiga-lily: Wishlist
ptrsdboy: My Collection
billdrumz: My Collection
QuirkyCubes: My Collection
MainMovieMan: MainMovieMan
Lesovik314: My Collection
adeleuw: My collection
Michael Guo: My Collection
technoloko: Technoloko's
scharlton: My Collection
solucions: MI COLECCION
polymaker: my collection
NiftyTwisty: My... Addiction!
MikonJuice: My collection
FridgeYpskiiponp: Fridge's Collection
Tall Pawn: My collection
Darthvader1974: Mi colecci
thisishowmymindworks: My Collection
Fedzyczuk: My Collection
rubik_fr: My Collection
exaquint: My Collection
harleythedragon: HarleyTheDragon's Puzzles
TylerMcDaniels: Tyler's Collection
kastellorizo: My Collection
AydenRW1: My Collection
mArtorell: My Collection
alonix147: my collaction
Markube: Mark's Kubes
jackmarcusdeayala: JMDA Collection
Jonas_JAS: Jonas collection
Victor Farles: Farles collection
Frank Tiex: Frank's Collection
Emanuel: Cubection
mosaltzevandrey: Andrey's collection
Petetanas: @Petetanas
docedocenas: 1212collection
Skyscraper: My Collection
ze2196: idk
El_Cubitero: Cubitero Collection

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