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Concept 5 - Hanoiminx
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A face turning truncated tetrahedron with 8 turning faces.

Not very much is known about this hand made puzzle. Even the name "Concept 5" is not verified. The turning is similar to a Master Tetraminx and Dayan Gem VIII but it is not as deep. That can be seen by the stationary triangular center pieces. The name was given because of the strong resemblance to the ''Concept 11'' but with less faces.
In 2023 a mass produced version "Hanoiminx" hit the market.
It comes in two slightly different versions. Image 5 shows "Free Hanoiminx" lacking four small pieces present in Hanoiminx (images 6-8).

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Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: LinerPZ, Mai Phú Sơn.


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