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Crazy 4x4x4 III
LargeImage #2717
Above: Solved
SmallImage #02717-01 SmallImage #02717-02 SmallImage #02717-03 SmallImage #02717-04 SmallImage #02717-05
Click a thumbnail to see its larger version and description.

The third 4x4x4 with circles on all six sides. The circles are larger as in the first two variants.

This is the third of four mass produced 4x4x4 with circles on all six sides. This variant is not different compared with the first Crazy 4x4x4. All pieces visible are connected in some way to the pieces of a 4x4x4 including the pieces of the theoretic inner 2x2x2.
Unlike the versions I and II, the 4x4x4 edge pieces are wider than the centres.
Edge length: 66 mm
Weight: 192 grams

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Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Andreas Nortmann.


This puzzle can be found in 48 collections of these members:
RubiksMaster614: Wish List
ptrsdboy: My Collection
Michael Guo: My Collection
Juozas Granskas: My Collection
scharlton: My Collection
solucions: MI COLECCION
NiftyTwisty: My... Addiction!
Tall Pawn: My collection
dzhoshi: My collection
TylerMcDaniels: Tyler's Collection
Puffin: The Roost
Joe Andrews: Joe's Collection
El_Cubitero: Cubitero Collection

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