The Tetraminx produced in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) during the soviet era.
- Inventor : Aleksandr Ordynets
- Mechanism : Pyraminx
- Patents : Unknown
- Producer : USSR
- Year : 1985
- Original Price : 7.30 USD
- Average Price : $25.00 USD
This puzzle is named "Кристалл", transliterated "Kristall", which means "chrystal".
This one was produced in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
This is one of several Tetraminxes produced during the soviet era. Like the Pyraminxes from the soviet union this puzzle was produced by several factories around USSR. See the separate entries in the museum.
The original price is based on the official exchange rate (0.6 roubles per dollar) although in socialist time this was completely theoretical. The price (in roubles) is visible on the single embossed tile.
This variant has orange tiles. There is another museum entry with the colours red, blue, yellow, green and without the embossed tile.
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