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Radio Shock
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The pieces of radiolarians 3-8 in shape of a dodecahedron.

The Radio Shock combines the radiolarian 8 and the radiolarian 3 but in the shape of a dodecahedron. It has all the piece types from radiolarians 2 through 8 present in a single puzzle. It is a modification of a dodecahedral radiolarian 8, so the turning quality is similar.
Piece type signature: DC2[F3 C4 E3 E9 T12 T21 X9 X18 L30][C4 E9]
It has the same size as the radio bridge.
Printed with Inland Tough PLA on an Anycubic Kobra Neo.
The stickers were made by Jason Gavril.
Diameter (inner): 138 mm
Weight: 103 grams



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