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Towers of Hanoi reimplemented in a surprising manner.

KPANEX is a puzzle that looks like PANEX, with 3 staggered pyramids and a single set of coloured pieces. A piece can only go down to its initial level. The top piece moves only at that level.
The KPANEX begins with the pieces on the left pyramid.
The objective is to move the pyramid of pieces to the right.

KPANEX is an idea of Javier Santos, specifically a redesign of JUNK’S HANOI of Junk’s Kato, a simulator on the website of Nick Baxter. Javier came up with the idea and drew a sketch. José Romero translated the design into CAD and printed the sample shown here.
The redesign consists of making the puzzle look similar to PANEX, and using its level restriction system with the shape of the pieces. The prefix K is in honor of Kato.

Size: 10 x 100 x 150 mm



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