Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Master Quadrant BallA redesigned spherical 4x4x4 with eighteen circles with four segments each in the faces and edges.
Master RaptorA Compy Cube with additional trivial tips.
Master RediminxA corner turning dodecahedron with five layers per axis, including an edge piece.

Master Rex HeptahedronA corner turning pentagonal prism designed to be a puzzle with a multi-origin-core.
Master Six Spot CubeA higher version of the Six Spot Cube. It has an additional set of pieces between the corners and the spots.
Master Skewb ChestA spherical Master Skewb combined with the concept of the Treasure Chest.

Master Sun DialThe higher order version of the Time Machine.
Master TRIvial circlesA custom redesigned version of the Puzzler with an unseen colour scheme.
Master circle raptor cubeThe Master cousin of the Circle Raptor Cube.

Master dino cubeA corner turning cube with four cuts per axis and one piece type more than the Lattice Cube.
Master dino curvy rhombic dodecahedronThe Curvy dino rhombic dodecahedron with additional shallow cuts on both types of corners.
Master face turning octahedron V2A face turning octahedron with four layers but different cuts as version 1.

Masterball 5A Masterball with five instead of four layers.
Matryoshka CubeTwo different subsets of the 3x3x3 with one turn per axis in one puzzle.
Maxi DogicThe rebuilt version of the Dogic.

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