Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Ghost 2x2x2 Compy CubeThe ghosted variant of the Curvy Dino 2x2x2 Cube.
Ghost 3x3x9 IIA 3x3x9 ghosted along one axis.
Ghost Barrel 2x2x3A 2x2x3 in shape of a cylinder and ghosted.

Ghost CheeseA Rubik's Cheese transformed like a Ghost Cube.
Ghost Circle Cube 2x2x2A 2x2x4 with two layers reduced to circles. Ghosted.
Ghost Cube 3x3x7A "ghosted" 3x3x7.

Ghost Cubic Split Triangular DominoThe ghost concept applied to yet another puzzle, in this case one that has not been implemented yet.
Ghost Curvy 4x4x4A ghosted 4x4x4 with three spirals
Ghost Curvy CopterThe concept of the Ghost Cube applied to the Curvy Copter

Ghost Curvy Copter PlusThe concept of the Ghost Cube applied to the Curvy Copter Plus.
Ghost Magic BarrelA ghosted variant of the Pyraminx Magic Barrel.
Ghost Octahedron (2x2x2)A octahedral 2x2x2 twisted inside the solid so that no two pieces have the same shape.

Ghost Octahedron 3x3x3A Ghost 3x3x3 transformed into an octahedron.
Ghost Pentagonal DipyramidA ghosted 3x3x3 in shape of a pentagonal dipyramid.
Ghost PentahedronA triangular prism with three layers, transformed into a Ghost puzzle.

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