Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Fracture-16The fractured Compino in shape of a truncated triakis tetrahedron.
Fractured CompinoA Curvy Compino with four "split" axes that now allow 60�-turns.
Fractured DiamondThe Krystian's Skewb (aka Master Skewb Mixup) transformed into an octahedron.

Fractured Gem IVA hexagonal prism which allows quarter turns. In shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Fractured curvy dino rhombic triacontahedron V2A rhombic triacontahedron with a hybrid axis system and fractured turns on twelve axes.
Fragmented CubeA shape transformation of a 3x3x3 that pretends something way more complex is going on.

Framed TrunkA hybrid puck with a cylindrical Ghost 1x2x2, 2 layers and 12 outer parts.
Fully Functional Siamese 2x2x2 Helicopter CubeTwo hybrid puzzles combined in a fully functional Siamese.
Galaxy BiaxeTwo turns in a deeper than origin puzzle that is totally doctrinaire.

Gear 1x2x2The Polo Gear Cube scaled down to a 1x2x2.
Gear 2x2x3A 2x2x3 with the turns on the long axis connected by gears.
Gear 2x3x3A 2x3x3 transformed into its cousin with gears.

Gear CylinderA derivate of the Gear Cube with only eight gears but still different from the anisotropic cube.
Gear GeraniumThree circles intersecting like the puzzler. The outer two are connected with a gear meachanism.
Gear IcosaminxA corner turning icosahedron with gears.

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