Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Floppy CometA non-regular hexagonal prism with multi-origin core and one connecting turn between the two halves.
Floppy Comet PlusA non-regular decagonal prism with multi-origin core.
Floppy DonutA 2-layer nonagonal prism in shape and appearance of a Donut.

Floppy Fidget ChainA 1x2xN combined with a chain for fidgeting.
Floppy Hexagonal CheeseRubik's Cheese in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Floppy HexaprismA 3x3x3 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal prism.

Floppy Square-EqualA Masterball bandaged and reduced to one layer.
Floppy Super Square-2A one layered Square-1 with 12 pieces.
Floppy Super Square-3A one layered Square-1 with 16 pieces.

Floppy Super Square-4A one layered Square-1 with 20 pieces.
Floppy kite cubeA 3D printed floppy cube in the shape of a kite.
Floppy prismThe pentagonal cousin of the Floppy Cube.

Flower CrystalSeven circles intersecting in a pattern that creates just two pieces.
Flower Dodecahedron TimesThe first puzzle that combines the corner turning dodecahedron with the edge turning dodecahedron.
Flower DodechaedronA Helicopter Dodecahedron made easier by removing the corners.

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