Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
2x2x2 clock PuzzleA 2x2x2 with two circles out of 12 segments.
2x2x3 Curvy CopterA 2x2x3 plus two Curvy Chops.
2x2x3 Curvy Copter PlusA 2x2x3 plus two Curvy Chops and one layer of unbandaging.

2x2x3 Hexagonal PrismThe hexagonal prism with different cuts so that the square sides are transformed into rectangular sides.
2x2x4 Tardis Bump CubeThe second 2x2x2 shaped like the famous phone booth from "Doctor Who". This sample was bumped.
2x2x5 BarrelA 2x2x5 redesigned into the shape of a cylinder.

2x2x8Ola Jansson drives the series of cuboids a step further.
2x2x9Ola Jansson drives the series of cuboids another step further.
2x3x3 Curvy Pillowed Mirror CubeA Domino bumped into the shape of a cube (roughly)

2x3x3 Hexagonal Crazy CubeA Crazy 2x3x3 transformed into a hexagonal prism.
2x3x3 HexamixupA 2x3x3 with hexagonal mixup slices, in the shape of a square bifrustum.
2x3x3 L-CuboidThe L-Cube with one of the three layers removed.

2x3x3 Mirror Horror HollowA Horror 2x3x3 reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.
2x3x3 Pacman GhostA 2x3x3 mimicing one of the ghosts from Pacman
2x3x3 Split HexamixupA 2x3x3 with hexagonal mixup slices and split centers, in the shape of a square bifrustum.

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