Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Double Circuloid V4A deeper cut version of the Double Circuloid V3
Double Circuloid V5A deeper cut version of the Double Circuloid V4
Double CrazyLoid V1The CrazyLoid with an additional second circle.

Double CrazyLoid V2The CrazyLoid V2 with an additional third circle.
Double CrazyLoid V3Three circles of order 4, 2 and 4, all with two concentric turns in different depths.
Double Flower TetrahedronOne doctrinaire turn for each corner and two jumbling only turns for each edge. In shape of a tetrahedron.

Double LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180° turns with shallow intersections. Plus three additional inner circles almost of the same size as the outer circles.
Double Square-1Looks like two puzzles combined in a siamese but this actually is a prism with five layers and four sides.
Double TriCrazyThree circles of order 3, 2 and 3, each with two concentric turns.

Double Trilotica V3Three circles of order 3, 2 and 3 deeper intersected as the Mitsugo.
Double Trilotica V4Three circles of order 3, 2 and 3 deeper intersected as V3.
DoubleminxTwo Pyraminxes with moves connected by a gearing mechanism.

Dreidel Curvy CopterA hybrid of corner turning and edge turning cube. The edge turns are only possible when the corners are placed in midturn.
Dual 3x3x3 IIA 3x3x3 plus two pieces known from the Complex 3x3x3.
Dual Diogo's CrystalA nine-corner fourteen-sided turning solid, using a geometry developed by Diogo Sousa.

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