Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
CurveminxA Pyraminx in a radically concave shape.
Curvy Chop PlusThe concept of the Curvy Chop applied to a Curvy Copter Plus.
Curvy Clover CubeThe Trifurcation Cube redesigned to resemble the Curvy Hexagram.

Curvy Confusion CubeFour variants of the generalized Compass Cube.
Curvy Copter AxisA Curvy Copter "axised", that means: turned inside of its solid by rotating around a corner.
Curvy Copter FisherA Curvy Copter treated like a Mental Block

Curvy Copter OctahedronA Curvy Copter redesigned in the shape of an octahedron.
Curvy Copter Octahedron IIIA Curvy Copter III redesigned in the shape of an octahedron.
Curvy Copter Octahedron PlusA Curvy Copter Plus redesigned in the shape of an octahedron.

Curvy Copter Rhombic DodecahedronA Curvy Copter in its more natural shape, that of a face turning rhombic dodecahedron.
Curvy Copter TimesA hybrid puzzle that combines the corners turns of a coin cube and the edge turns of the clover cube.
Curvy CubeA curved 3x3x3. Stickers in a classic sticker scheme.

Curvy CuboctaminxA face turning truncated cuboctahedron. A hybrid combining two different axis systems.
Curvy DiamondA concept of the Fluffy Cube applied to a Skewb Diamond
Curvy DinoBramThe DinoBram without overhang bandaging and central corners made visible.

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