Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Cluster 3x3x3A large 2x2x2 with a 3x3x3 integrated into each cubie.
Coin IcosahedronAn icosahedron that combines face and corner turns into a hybrid axis system in the easiest possible configuration.
Coin OctahedronAn octahedral version of the Coin Cube.

Coin Rhombic DodecahedronA rhombic dodecahedron that implements all three cubic axis systems.
Coin SkewbA cube with hybrid axis systems combining a Skewb with an extremely low cut face turning cube.
Coin TRDThe simplest possible face and corner turning Trapezo-Rhombic Dodecahedron.

Coin TransformerA rhombic dodecahedron with four sets of cuts that combine the Coin TRD, the Coin Rhombic Dodecahedron and the Rhomdo Transformer.
ColondraEight intersecting circles bandaged comparable to the Rotascope.
Coloured edge WormholeIt is a truncated and voided pentagonal trapezohedron with the mechanism of a decagonal prism with two layers.

Column Cube (mixup)A bandaged and extended 3x3x3, similar to the Corner Pocket.
ComboCopterA hybrid puzzle which combines a 2x2x2 with a Curvy Copter.
CombowA redesigned Compy Cube in shape of a cuboctahedron.

Compass 3DA reduced Bolaris, reimplementing a 2D puzzle from the same designer.
Compass RoseA 3x3x3 in a shape close to the stellated octahedron.
Compass Sierra Nevada or Rex Inverted PuckA model in which the Rex and Inverted Puck concepts are mixed.

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