Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Circuloid V4A deeper cut version of the Circuloid V3
Circuloid V5A deeper cut version of the Circuloid V4
Circus PuzzleA combination of the shapes of Hexagonal dipyramid and Twister cube.

Circus puzzle ghost 3x3x3A ghosted version of the Circus Puzzle from the same inventor.
Claus' EggA 2x2x2 in shape of an egg.
CleavageFour intersecting circles in two different radiuses. The turn in steps of 90° and 45°.

Clematis CubeA hybrid puzzle which combines edge turns with corner turns that allow 60° turns.
Clematis TetrahedronA hybrid puzzle which combines edge turns with corner turns that allow 60° turns.
Clover (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzles with floating or ghost axes.

Clover 2x2x2 BallThe Clover 2x2x2 in shape of a sphere.
Clover ChopA puzzle with hybrid axis system which available turns are reduced to those available on one side.
Clover Cube ExtremeA Shell Cube the inventor enhanced with another axis system, making in a triple hybrid.

Clover Dodeca ChopOne side of the easiest possible corner and edge turning dodecahedron.
Clover Triakis tetrahedronA Triakis Tetrahedron with cuts inspired by the clover puzzles. Unlike other clover-puzzles the axis system is doctrinaire.
CloverhedronThe Helicopter Cube reduced to the edge and X-pieces and transformed into a dodecahedron.

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